LHA Food Drive

Updated: Dec 4, 2020

UPDATE: The food drive has been moved to this Sunday due to weather.


Let's help our neighbors in need! Demand for The Thomas Merton Center’s food resources exploded during the Covid-19 crisis. Last year at this time they were serving 150 meals per day and since the pandemic hit they are up to 400 meals per day.

They serve the homeless, laid off workers, immigrant families struggling to make ends meet and individuals suffering from mental illness in Bridgeport.

Drive through the Sasapequan Road loop and drop off donations at Beach 6 on December 5th between 10 am and 2 pm. We will take your donations while wearing masks and gloves.

If you'd like to contribute but can't make it to the food drive, please make an online donation at https://www.themertoncenter.org/

The Thomas Merton Center's mission is to provide a loving, safe and hope-filled community atmosphere that responds to the needs of its guests and residents and respects the dignity of each person.

Here is the signup link.
