2nd Annual Fall Festival

Crisp air and pumpkin spice lattes are here and that means it’s time for our fall festival, October 20th from 2-6pm on Beach Four.
The first planning meeting laid the ground work and there is still a lot to be done. We'll be meeting again this Friday, 10/5. Join in if you can, contact info below.
One of the highlights of our fall fest is the Chili potluck. Don't be shy, the more crockpots the merrier. We'll also have brats, hot dogs, mac n cheese and jumbo pretzels hot off the grill. Take a look at our signup.com link to get an idea of who is bringing what. If you want to add something email or call.
Decorations and activities are still in the works. Fun and/or crafty people are needed!! We encourage everyone, all ages, to participate. It'll be fun, I promise.
We want to get the word out and realize not everyone is connected via Facebook or email. Tell your neighbors, put a sign in your yard, paint the dates on your garage. You get the idea.
Sign up for Lake Hills Annual Fall Festival ( http://signup.com/go/hbCDxxY ) on @SignUpdotcom today!
If bringing food or volunteering time is not for you, please feel free to drop off a small donation to Lake Hills co-treasure, Samantha Anderes, 637 Winnepoge Dr.
Questions: shanamchugh@hotmail.com, text/call 203-859-1728
- 1950s -
Photo courtesy of Jim Wood. Find him on our facebook page if you want more info on this and other images like it.