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Where did I come from? Is the earth round? Are you my mom? These are all questions we will not answer here.​
Q: Who can I contact with questions regarding my dues?
A: Lisa Sabia
Q:I am a realtor and have questions about membership or the sale of a LHA property- who do I contact
A: Lisa Sabia
Q: What district am I in?-
A: View the district map
Q: Who are my district reps-
A: Check out the directory
Q: How do I purchase LHA apparel and promo items such as LHA water bottle stickers, tumblers…?
A: Keep an eye out for LHA emails, Facebook posts and posts on in the news section of the website.
Q: I am new in the association. Where can I find out about rules?
A: They are here.
Q: What are the regulations on boats and motors
A: They are here.
Q: Why are dues not payable through a credit card or Venmo?
A: We do not currently have these types of payment options available.
Q: Questions about ecology- algae, weeds, plantings that are safe for the lake
A: You can find answers here.
Q: We want to hold a party at the beach, playground or ballfield. What is the process?
A: Fill out and submit a party permit form found here.
Q: I hear there are different kinds of members. Is this true?
A: Yes it is. There are two kinds of members. Those who own deeded property (the deed clearly states they are obligated to be members and have rights to use the Samp Mortar Lake). Those who are invited, own property which lies within the boundaries of The Lake Hills Association, but whose deeds do not state they are obligated to be members. In these cases, the property was originally owned privately and was not part of the property that was sold to the Samp Mortar Lake company in the early 1950s. There are 70 such properties in the association. Whether deeded or invited, everyone pays the same amount for dues and has the same rights and obligations to abide by rules and bylaws.
Q: What happens if an invited member doesn't choose to join?
A: After 3 consecutive years of not paying dues, the property is then considered "invited inactive." If the property owner chooses to activate their membership, they would need to pay an initiation fee along with the current dues for that year.
Q: How do I know if I am deeded or invited?
A: First, you can check your deed down at Town Hall. Additionally, your annual invoice has it listed.
Q: Why is there no beach 5?
A: One of the most asked questions around the lake. In the original plans for the association, there was a beach to be established off of Arrowhead Lane. It was determined this would not be a good location, and thus the beach never came to be. There are rumors that a long-time association member likes to call his property Beach 5. Can you guess who?
Q: How do I get more involved?
A: Reach out to your district reps or come to one of the monthly board meetings, typically held the 3rd Thursday of each month. Check the calendar page for updates.
Q: How many boats can I store at the beach?
A: One boat per tag number may be stored at the beach. Additional boats may be stored by annually requesting permission from the LHA board.
Q: Do I have to sign in with the lifeguard?
A: Yes. And you must present your tag for the current year to the lifeguard, or beach representative who asks for it.
Q: How many guests can I have?
A: Each household has a max of two named adult members. Each named adult can have 4 guests. Each child can have 2.
Q: When can my kid go to the lake without an adult and can they bring a friend?
A: Children can go to the lake without an adult at the age of 10. Unsupervised children may bring one friend.
Q: Can my dog come to the beach?
A: No, according to the rules no animals are permitted. There have been multiple incidents where dogs feel threatened and have lashed out or bitten children.
Q: When do I need to pay my dues by?
A: Dues need to be postmarked by May 15th. Those postmarked after, will result in a late fee. Dues can be sent to: Lake Hills Association PO Box 1011 Fairfield, CT 06825.
Q: Can I bring food and drinks?
A: Why yes! No glass and please be sure to clean up the crumbs.
Q: When are lifeguards present?
A: Check the water safety page.
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