Party Permit Reservations
Do you have plans for hosting a beach party? This webpage offers reservation request forms and hosting instructions, and it is necessary to thoroughly read and complete all the details presented both below and in the provided forms.
​1. Any gathering which is over 8 non-members attendees per household
2. If you have a private party utilizing the beach/Lake Hills property
3. If you have a party at your home and people will be utilizing the beach/Lake Hills property.
4. A hard copy of the event permit request and security deposit must be submitted directly to the Water Safety Director at least 7 days prior to the event in order to facilitate planning and scheduling.
5. The Event Permit Committee (Water Safety Director and above-listed District Reps) have the right to deny Permit requests.
6. Members issued a party reservation permit must present it to the lifeguards on duty. The party permit must
also be produced upon request.
7. The fee of $20/guard/hour must be paid in full before the date of the event, directly to the Water Safety Director
8. Members holding parties are responsible for having their guests knowledgeable of, and abiding by all Association rules and Bylaws.
9. Members holding events must remove all trash and recyclables from Association property at the conclusion of the event
10. Open fires are not allowed on LHA property in general. However, you may contact your district representative for special consideration prior to the event.
11. Parents and guardians are responsible for monitoring their children.
12. Use of LHA property is at your own risk/swim is at your own risk.
Party Reservation Form
Download Party Permit