Important Message From the Fairfield Health Dept.
The following message is from the town of Fairfield's director of health:

Dear Fairfield Parents,
The leadership of the Town has made many public requests asking all residents to stay home and not interact with others outside the household. Unfortunately we continue to receive multiple emails and calls reporting groups of youths congregating at various locations.
We are asking parents to have a talk with your children about why exactly we are asking this behavior to stop. Here are some points we ask you to discuss with them:
 It is about doing something for others and understanding that their behavior could save someone’s life. While we do not want anyone to get this virus, it is likely that if teenagers do get the virus that most of them will not have a severe illness. But, for someone over 60 or someone with underlying health conditions, the virus may make them very ill and some of them will die from it. We are trying to prevent the more vulnerable population from dying.
ï‚· All the school and business closures and all the other steps taken around the world are all about protecting these more vulnerable people from dying. The reason why school is closed is to protect older people and those with existing underlying health issues, people like your parents or grandparents, the parents and grandparents of your friends or maybe even your brother or sister.
ï‚· Eliminating possible transmission opportunities is the key to minimizing the impact of this pandemic. Each time someone interacts with 3 or 4 people outside of their household transmission between those households becomes possible. One case in one household, which typically makes 2 to 3 other people ill, can now lead to 6 to 12 cases in those 3 or 4 households. One interaction with a few friends can greatly increase the number of cases and simply put, more cases put more vulnerable people are put at risk and more deaths are likely to occur.
Thank you for considering discussing these points with you children and your assistance in minimizing the impact of the virus on our community.
Respectfully, Sands Cleary Director of Health